**The Sunlit Man by Brandon Sanderson**
*The Sunlit Man* is a thrilling, imaginative tale by renowned fantasy author Brandon Sanderson, set within his expansive Cosmere universe. The story follows a young man named Nomad, who is constantly on the run, living on a sun-scorched planet where survival is a daily battle. Haunted by a mysterious past and hunted by powerful enemies, Nomad must navigate the harsh world while searching for redemption and a way to escape his endless struggles.
As Sanderson weaves his signature world-building and gripping narrative, *The Sunlit Man* takes readers on a fast-paced, action-filled adventure that delves into themes of resilience, survival, and the pursuit of hope in the face of overwhelming odds. A must-read for fans of Sanderson and lovers of epic fantasy, this novella offers a fresh and intriguing glimpse into the wider Cosmere saga.